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Clause policy
Clause policy

Shenzhen Guanrong Electronics Co., Ltd( http://www.cityfaridkot.com/ )The website and related pages are designed to provide you with information, services and reference materials. You can use the website to browse information, download materials, or use other functions of the website. When browsing Guanrong website, you must abide by the following terms (the "terms of use") and the applicable laws. Guanrong may update the content of the website at any time and modify these terms of use at any time. You can often visit this website to learn about the latest amendments.

Privacy statement

In order to effectively protect the information you provide through this website, the following privacy policies are adopted:

1. Information collection and use

To provide you with a better browsing experience, when you use our website, we may ask you to provide us with some personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you( Including but not limited to your name, company name, professional title, contact number, address and e-mail address), your type of identity (such as distributor or supplier), and other information provided by you or necessary for the company to handle transactions, services, inquiries or requests. If you are unable to provide the necessary personal data, we may not be able to fulfill your request.

2. Disclosure of personal data

We will not rent or sell your personal information to others, but we can disclose your personal information to our cooperative subsidiaries, third-party suppliers and service providers to help us provide products or services for you. Reserves the right to disclose such personal data to any other third party, including: (1) to comply with legal procedures or at the request of the government( 2) In order to prevent, investigate, investigate or prosecute criminal crimes or attacks against the integrity of the company's website or network technology( 3) To protect the rights, property or safety of the company, website users or the public. These parties will be bound by data processing agreements to ensure the protection of your personal data.

3. The use of cookie and similar technology


In order to ensure you get a smoother and easier website visiting experience, when you use this website, we may use the small data file "cookie". Cookie is some numbers and characters and other information sent to you by this website, which is stored in your hard disk through the computer browser. With the help of cookie, the website collects the data of the website, such as which pages you have visited, what content you have downloaded, the duration of stay, the domain name of the Internet service provider, the country of the visitors, and the websites you have visited before and after using the website. These statistical information does not include your personal information.


You can set your browser to reject all cookies, or you can choose to notify you when you encounter cookies (each browser has different settings. Please check the "description" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie settings). If you set your browser to reject all cookies, your browsing experience on this website may be quite different.


4.Links to other sites

Our contact page and home page contain links to other websites. These are integrated into our website as simple links to services. Clicking the integration icon or link takes you to the relevant provider's page, that is, only then will user information be delivered to the provider.

Guanrong has no control over these websites and is not responsible or responsible for the policies and practices followed by third parties.


5.Signal communication

We will use your personal information to contact you with newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information about products and services.

Cooperation Brand

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