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Location Products News What is the reverse breakdown voltage of the diode?

What is the reverse breakdown voltage of the diode?

What is the reverse breakdown voltage of the diode?

The diode has forward and reverse directions. The forward direction r is very small, and the reverse direction r is very large. When the voltage is high, there will be current. The maximum current that the diode can withstand is very small. If the voltage is higher, it will burn off, that is, reverse breakdown.

The reverse breakdown voltage of diode is generally 2-3 times of the working voltage.

The voltage value of diode during reverse breakdown. When breakdown occurs, the reverse current increases sharply, and the unidirectional conductivity of the diode is destroyed, or even burnt out due to overheating. The maximum reverse operating voltage VBWM given in the manual is generally half of VBR.

When the applied reverse voltage exceeds a certain value, the reverse current will suddenly increase, which is called electric breakdown. The critical voltage that causes electric breakdown is called diode reverse breakdown voltage. The diode loses unidirectional conductivity during electrical breakdown. If the diode is not overheated due to electric breakdown, the unidirectional conductivity may not be permanently damaged. After the external voltage is removed, its performance can still be restored, otherwise the diode will be damaged. Therefore, the reverse voltage applied to the diode should be avoided when using.

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The phenomenon of reverse breakdown occurs in many cases, such as diodes, triodes, and so on. Take the diode as an example: the diode is conductive in the forward direction. When a reverse voltage is applied to both ends of the diode, electrons cannot pass through the diode, making the diode equivalent to an open circuit. However, the open circuit depends on the voltage at both ends of the diode (i.e. the reverse voltage) when the diode is connected in the reverse direction. If the reverse voltage is large enough, the diode will be broken down (you can think of it as a wire), At this time, the reverse breakdown voltage is called reverse breakdown voltage.

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