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Specifications of TVS diode

Specifications of TVS diode

TVS diode is an electronic part for protection, which can protect electrical equipment from being damaged by voltage spikes introduced by wires.

What are the specifications of TVS diode?

Leakage current: the current that can be conducted when the voltage is less than the large reverse turn off voltage of zui.

Maximum reverse turn off voltage: below this voltage, the diversion current is not obvious

Breakdown voltage: the voltage that will show the conduction current.

Clamping voltage: The voltage at which the conduction current will reach its rated current (hundreds to thousands of amperes).

Stray capacitor: the unconnected diode has similar characteristics to the capacitor, which has destructive effects on high-frequency signals. It is generally recommended to select TVS diode with low stray voltage.

Stray inductance: because the switching of the actual overvoltage is very fast, the inductance of the package is one of the limiting factors of the reaction speed.

Absorbable energy: because the transient is very short, all the energy becomes the heat of the TVS diode itself. The heat sink will only affect the time required for subsequent heat dissipation, and cannot improve the energy that can be absorbed by the TVS diode. Therefore, the high energy TVS diode will also have a larger volume. If the volume is not large enough, overvoltage may damage the TVS diode, which cannot protect other circuits.

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